Female betta?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 10, 2003
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I can't find any female betta! I went to Petsmart and they've not got them. I wne to SuperPetz, nor do they have any.

Bob'd tropical fish is out of stock...
I dunno, maybe try to find some breeders in your area. or you caould ask one of the pet stores you mentioned if they could give the phone number to whoever they get their males from. I'm sure the breeders would be like to sale a female or two.
Would you believe that I found some at the store I get my budgie supplies from! LOL! I am going to look at them this weekend.
Hey bettababe,
Try your local walmart if they don't have them onhand you can ask the dept. manager to order one or two for you they can get them i always keep about 6 onhand.. i don't sell to many of them but i always try to keep a few so that if someone does want on i have it there.. good luck

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