Female Betta

buggyboutbettas said:
steppy104 said:
but it's natural. lol. if they didn't look so cool....like if it was just a gold fish that faught or somethin, i'd probably do it to...just not till death.
In nature the betta always has an exit an all sides. a bowl or a tank can't simulate the way bettas truly fight in the wild. Bettas fight over territory. Nature can provide enough territory for bettas. But when you place two bettas in a tank, it can never supply the amount of territory that they would have in the wild.

I dunno, maybe if you had a really long 150 or 250 gallon tank, you could put 2 bettas in and see what happens. But when somebody puts 2 bettas in a tiny "territory" compared to what they would have in nature, it's just plain mean. It’s like putting two alpha wolves together in a zoo pen just to see what will happen.
plakat fighting is a part of betta history. if it weren't for the breeders in thailand way back in the day mixing up different strains in an attempt to acheive stronger fighters you probably wouldn't be admiring your betta in it's tank today, as that is how the first fancy strains were acheived. long fins are not natural in the wild. in the end it all comes down to cultural differences, things we frown on in this part of the world are accepted elsewhere, things we accept in this part of the world are frowned on in other parts of the world likewise. it's fine to differ and feel it is unethical, but know that this is how bettas came to be what they are today. ;)
Ok, so I've moved the tiger barb, poor thing. :( She now lives with a poorly bronze corry.

Madam Betta is still queen of the tank. Not sure what I'm going to do with her. I might just try and set up a female Betta tank, although last time I tried that, 2 out of 4 fish ended up being male (didn't know about the 'white dot underneath' thing then) and she beat them all up so I had to find new homes for the other 3.

It's so hard to find female Bettas in fish shops around here.

Ooh, one last question. This sounds daft or maybe even obvious to all of you, but is it just females that display stripes? Do males not have stripes at all? Even when they're upset? I don't recall ever seeing any males with stripes but nobody ever uses this to distinguish between the sexes.
i'm wondering about that too, i SWAER i see black strips on my male betta (but i could be imagining things) :p
Breeding stripes are vertical, and as far as I know, only happen in females. Stress stripes are horizontal, and can occur on males or females.
i dont' see HORIZONTAL stripe son my male...i doubt i'm seeing vertical stripes on it anyways (that woudl be weird if my male starting to show vertical stripes...)

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