Female Betta and Plakats??

Y'all know I agree with you, but I'm guessing we're just beating our collective heads against the wall. He wants a way to tell the females and males definitively apart WITHOUT using the ovipositor, (good luck with that by the way :rolleyes: , some females are agressive so "tempermant" is not an effective way to tell tell them apart...) and wants to be told he can keep males with females.

MattL Posted on Sep 21 2004, 02:41 PM
"I have told you what Im doing and i also said dont bother telling me its wrong"

Might as well try to help someone who actually wants help - your advice is good, and shouldn't be wasted on those who really don't want it. :nod:

Just my $0.02 :dunno:
What he's talking about, plakats together being better than other splendens together, I think he's miss-interpreted data from other sites.

Probably what he read on another site is that plakat fights rarely result in death, and because of this, their fights are considered "less cruel" than sticking to VT's together.

The rarity of death is true . . . a result from the fact that bred fighting plakats are stronger, and better excercised (they have superior physical conditioning) than other bettas, and one will normally back down.

What that statement does not say, is that the plakats WILL fight . . . very, very viciously. Even in Thai fights, they are separated soon afterwords, and though they will normally recover, it will take a lot of time, meds and care to accomplish that recovery.

Keeping Plakats together will have results as bad, or much worse than any other male splendens.
I'm confused. I thought Matt said he took both the plakats out of the community? And if I remember right he said only one of the plakats flared at the new male, so maybe the othe one is a female plakat? I still wouldn't put the plakats together in any case.

It's been pointed out that you have had four deaths or something in your tank, and that was because of the plakats, not the new male, right? Exactly how big is this tank and what all do you have in it?

Fish do have different temperaments, I've known female veiltails that couldn't even be in a twenty gallon with other females because they would kill all of the other females. Isn't it possible that the new male wouldn't hurt the females in a big (huge) enough tank? I'm not claiming expert knowledge in this at all, and I don't want to come off as sounding like it. This is just how it sounds to me, that he took the plakats out, has a male in a community tank with females and wants to keep them that way. In the end though I guess it doesn't matter what anyone says, as people do what they want really...

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