Female And Tankmates


Fish Crazy
Jan 20, 2010
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South Carolina
What have you had luck with when mixing other fish species with female bettas? Have you ever attempted housing them with other fish experimentally and found out that they got along? I know I hear about cories and shrimp, but what else?

I have an overstocked 10 gallon tank (moving them to a 37 probably in less than a week though!!! EXCITED! Just have to change the substrate)

I had 4 guppies to start with and 2 cories and I added my female who had been living in a 1 gallon bowl for a couple weeks to quarantine her (walmart fish...always QT those) At first she was mad. She hated the fast moving water. She hated the goldfish and would attack and hang on to my goldfish. Was able to re-home the goldfish and after about a week she was swimming with the guppies. No more attempting to bite my male's tail. She loves it!

So then I added 2 platies and 2 more guppies. Then last week I purchased a 2nd female. I watched them very close and surprisingly they get along fine as well. The new one is just now adjusting to the water flow (it's a pump for a 30 gallon tank in a 10 gallon, but hey...keeps things clean!)

And then I added 2 more cories yesterday. :fun:

Everyone is happy and healthy. I'm just hoping they continue to get along smoothly when they transfer tanks. I'm confident they will. It's a blast to see all the different colors in the tank. My family when they come over, comment on the color. I have mostly red and yellow guppies and then a purple betta, a white betta with red spots, and 2 multicolored platy. It's awesome. :cool:

I would like to add maybe 2 more females once everyone is in the 37. I just hope they are as easy-going as the two I have now. If not I'll have to return them. :/
Before adding more females,add more plants (act as a breakage and hiding place). IMO, if you're gonna add more females, make it 5-6 in total,aggression is spread out then. Don't be surprised if they take a pop at your other long finned fish,it is to be expected.

Black neon tetras and a BN pleco were house fine with my bettas, although, they have now been rehomed. I currently have Amano shrimp in with my girls and all is well :good:
It's going to be heavily planted and total I hope to have five females. As I said though they are working out fine now. They even control the guppy population. They eat their fry. I want to have more females though. Just out of space until I move them all in the 37.
I keep my females with neon tetras, corys and shrimp. All fine.

Tried them with some young kribensis - the poor girls got bullied and the kribs had to move to a different tank.
I've housed BN plecs, corydoras, guppies, platys, swordtails, mollies, fry, and kribs with my bettas without any problems. Though I can swear that some of those fry that were there the day before aren't there anymore....? :/ .... :sly:

;) :lol:

Just kidding. I have an extremely gentle male betta, but it's a no-no to add newborn fry. He's fine with slightly older fry, however.
I don't mind some fry being eaten, but not all of them! :lol: So far all the fry have become dinner. :rolleyes:
ive never had a problem with other tankmates its usually the girls themselves which fight amongst each other!

ive kept em with gouramis [blue, dwarf, gold, pearl, honey] corys, loaches, angels, a syno lemon tetras, pentazona barbs.....

i have about 6 girls right now [i think...!]
got mine in with neons corys and BN plecos atm had no problems

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