Feeling Light Headed...


Aug 19, 2007
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Middlesbrough, England
Anyone have this trouble before....

My Juwel tank lights have gone doo-lally.

Just earlier I noticed my tank lights were not on. I changed the fuse and they worked again, but flickered off within seconds. I unplugged it. Plugged it in again and it worked. For just a few seconds. I put the old fuse back in. And again, light for a few seconds. So, I know it isn't the fuse.
I'm far from electricly minded so if anyone has the answer, could you please type it in idiot proof format, please
try replacing the strater in your light little round thing that untwists in your switch housing

cheers dane
I'll look at that n a moment. The reason I didn't earlier is, well, normally if the ligh comes on, it stays on. If it's a problem with the starter, normally it doesn't cme on at all, unless you turn it
I can't get at the starter, it's all boxed in. I tried switching it on again. My best bet is, it's the bulb going. When one goes, the other switches off too.
hi my dad had the same problem is ures a twin bulb if so take lid off and light ,plug it in see wich bulb stays on and wich flickers then replace flickering one job done :good:
it took me 4 hours to sus it out on my dads lol
it could also be the ballast or a loose connection...i had that problem with my rekord 120, and you could never tell how long it was going to stay on for.

If it is just wench open the casing for the lights (only a problem if your tank is still under guarantee-ours wasn't so we used a screwdriver) and have a fiddle with the components. Ours was a loose connection with the connector box, just change the parts and away you go!

Of course only try that if changing the bulbs doesn't work lol.
Thank you all very much for your responces. Having checked again before I left for work, I decided it must be one of the bulbs.
Right after work I went to Maidenhead Aquatics in Stokesley. There I bought a new tube, the cover/connectors and a new larger gravel syphon.
I had a choice of two tubes. Sun glow and Warm glow. I bought the warm glow, but I regret it. It's somewhat orange in the tank now :blink:

Once again, thank you all :good:
Ive got a warm glo bulb and its terrible, everything looks yellow :(
I keep looking and I cant decide whether I like it or not. I think I do, but would prefare a ful spectrum.... I'll know better next time.

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