Feel Rearly Rearly Guilty....


Mar 21, 2005
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Had a s*hit day at fishing yesterday, it was too cold caught not alot and was just overall a rearly bad day.but too top it all off some thing rearly sad happend.... :-(
i was on my way back home with my grandad when we saw a cat under a car.... i shouted out stop to my grandad but it was too late :-( the poor little thoing just darted out and smack into our car.i got straight out th car and had a looK around to see were it had gone.
after about 15 mins of looking i found her underneath a car ..... she didnt make it :-( :(
i pulled her from undere the parked car on some bodys drive, tried to check her pulse but she had gone .
there was no hope for her but and nothing we could do about it .
i feel so so so angry with my self and very guilty.
i went into the car and got out a towel and coverd her up .
then went door to door to see whos cat it was.i soon got directed to a mans house and he said he hadnt seen his cat for 2 or 3 days so i expected the worst.he had a look at the cat but it wasnt his :sad:
he then said he thought it was his next doors cat.and it was.... it turned out it was only 8 months old and a little 8 year olds cat.she was in bits and i started crying my self.it the worst thing that i have ever seen.

my cat got ran over 2 years ago and died and the peole that ran her over never stopped so we had to stop and i thought it was only right to find the owners of the cat. :(
I'm so sorry to hear that. You did all you could. You did the right thing by stopping and searching from the owner.
I'm so sorry to hear that. You did all you could. You did the right thing by stopping and searching from the owner.
Ditto that. Accidents just happen sometimes, there's nothing that can be done about it. I'm sure the owners at least feel better that you cared enough to stop and to find them. :sad:
So Sorry to hear this, but at least you did the right thing and stopped, im sure the owners are grateful for that.

We've had two cats hit by cars, one I found outside the house when i came back from school years ago (not nice) and the other was only 5 months old and she gfot run over infront of us (she and her brother had run out of the door when we opened it for someone). The driver ran straight over here, didn't even brake, and certainly didn't stop! It was awful.. Luckily she survived though.

It must be awful to know it was a little girl's pet and i really feel for you but there was nothing you could have done so dont feel too bad about it..
Yeah you did the right thing. I have lost two cats because of the road outside our house. Although they have been moved to the side, no one has ever stopped to tell us.
i know how you guys feel when you loose a cat due to a car accident and no body stops to tell you.
ive seen hoe easy it is now for cats to get run over, they just dart out and theres noting you can rearly do and its so horrible. :/
How sad. At least you did the right thing by stopping and finding the owners. It would have been worse for the family if you hadn't and they'd have spent days worrying only to find their cat like that.

I know how you feel. On my birthday, me and my hubby got in a taxi to go out for dinner. A cat ran out suddenly and the taxi ran over it, right in front of some young children who started screaming. We told the taxi driver to stop because he hit it but he just said "no I didn't" and carried on going. We were yelling at him to turn around but he wouldn't. He just carried on. When we got out we refused to pay for the cab and told him where to go.

I still feel awful about it and it sickens me that he just didn't care and refused to stop. Like I said, you did the right thing so try not to feel too bad.
I've lost 2 cats to car accidents, and nobody took the time to take responsibility or tell us what happened. We had to find them in the middle of the road.

It's very sweet of you to stop and find the owner, and very responsible. Of course you're going to feel guilty, it's the normal response. But these things happen. There's nothing much you can do.
sorry to hear that mate :-( its actually illegal to hit and run if you hit a dog but not cats wich is imo very wrong. but you deffinately did the right thing.
Awww b.c.f.c, you absolutely did the right thing and whilst I am sure the little girl and her parents will be upset, the genuine remorse and sorrow you displayed will, I am sure, go a long way towards easing their pain.

I have two cats and would like to think if anything happened to them, someone would take time out of their day to come and find me. Sadly, it is too common in today's society for people not to take responsibility for their actions, but you did and that says an awful lot about you :)

I'm sorry to hear that the cat did not make it. :( I always hate to hear when things like that happen. Things like that make me so sad. :( I remember one time where my dad and I were on our way home, about ten o'clock at night, from a friend's house, and my dad was driving his 1987 Corvette. There was a raccoon in the road, a live one, and we could not swerve to hit it. :( My dad hit it head on and the raccoon, unfortunately, did not survive. It just twitched for a little bit and then died. :(

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