

New Member
Dec 15, 2002
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Just wondering about feeding plecos. Got two today, they are my first ever. I got a common and a rubber pleco. I got some algae wafers for them, and will feed veggies as well. When feeding the wafers, do you just drop them in the tank and let the plecos find them, or do you stick them to the glass? Also, do you feed them in the same spot everytime or move it around?
just drop the wafers, i always drop them in about the same place so he knows where it is, thats if the bristle noses dont move it around the tank lol. Plenty of foods they eat and choose from.
Your Chaetostoma (Bulldog/Rubber Plec) will need a lot of dissolved oxygen in the water so add a venturi to your filter if there isn't already one present. They also like some frozen livefood in their diet (bloodworm, mysis shrimp) as well as the vegetable componant (Courgette/zuccini) and water slightly on the hard side (they come from mountain streams/rivers). Rocks (large pebbles) are preferred to bogwood.
Hi Gibbo :D I haven't fed zuchini to my pleco yet, and i'd like to start. do you just cut off a chunk, and do i boil it first? Will my cory's eat it too?
Dunno about the Corys (they like Insect larvae etc) but I just slice a bit off and wash it under the tap and attach it to side of glass with sucker clip. The Bristlenoses and Panaque love the stuff.... boiling makes it too sloppy -_-
How are your new Plecos doing Redbelly? My Pleco (Paulie) seemed to develop quite the personality once he was used to his new home. I've had him for almost two years, and he's great :) I always look for him first to se what goofy spot he's got himself in! :D Gibbo, i started Paulie on the Zuchini....he loves it. :D :thumbs:
Brilliant, been also trying mine on Brocolli and Brussels Sprouts as well as a bit of raw potato to go with the pellet and livefood! My Royal Panaque is still quite shy though, he has good shape though and has plenty of bogwood to eat as well as the other food..... :thumbs:
Boy Gibbo...your giving me all kinds of ideas! :D Paulie is a common Pleco. I have to get a new Digicam, because mine "gave up the ghost" as they say, but i will post some pics of him real soon. He's up to 7 inches long now! That boy can eat! :D
My common pleco is doing fine. Seems to have grown alittle already. Had him about two weeks. He is still a bit shy, but I really like him already. My rubber pleco, well, he is doing okay as well, though I rarely see him. He is very shy. Can't tell if he has grown, but judging by the mess I clean up every week, both are eating well :crazy:
lol...they will definatly make a mess :D Mine hid for about three weeks or so, and from then on he hangs out either right out in the open where everybody can see him, or right under the driftwood in the middle of the tank. He knows when it time to eat too, because he's the first one to the front, and it's like he sits there lookin' at me until he gets his share! :D

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