
if you're feeding minnows i'd make sure you're quaranteening them and feeding them on decent food before giving them to your fish. What filter make and model you using? You're tank is quite heavily stocked so might need to upgrade. Manafactures guidelines are a bit #105### when it come to tank volume
once they start eating you will be laughing. To be fair I grow mine on in a shorter tank and although the initial growth is super quick they do slow down considerably , mines gone from a small 3 inch to about 9-10 inch in a matter of a few months but its the height of the fish that changes they get the big hump which makes them look quality
I personally would get him eating flake and pellets as soon as whilst hes growing on mine now I dont feed flake but he takes catfish pellets on a regular basis and lancefish, mussels and prawns whenever i feed them to the fire eel and bichirs
currently feeding him rosey reds which are quaranteed in a 2 gallon tank and yes an upgrade is coming

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