

Formerly: Catfish Are Cool
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
Cheshire, UK
Hi i am getting a male betta in the next couple of days and have been looking arround on alot of websites looking for what pople feed them. i know what to feed them but no one actually gives you a good idea of how often to give veriety from their special betta flakes.
also if i got Tetra Betta - Complete Food for Siamese Fighters then could i have that as a staple diet with dried frozen blood worms every so often?
thanks, mikey
i feed mine attison betta pellets, frozen brine shrimp, frozen bloodworm and occasionally freeze-dried bloodworm. :)

your idea sounds fine.
ok cool the Tetra Betta - Complete Food for Siamese Fighters is a flake style food that id feed every day and then some days feed peas crushed and also bloodworm freeze dried and sometimes frozen
thanks :p
freeze dried foods for bettas? it's not good for them, it causes bloat and things like that. well this is what i was told.

i feed my betta pellets, flake, frozen bloodworm, frozen brineshrimp, peas

i feed my betta pellets, flake, frozen bloodworm, frozen brineshrimp, peas

i dont think i can get betta pellets...
are they specifically for bettas?
i would be able to use all the others though
there are lot's of brands which are just for betta's, but i feed mine the same as what i feed in some of my other tanks. i feed him a very small sort of cichlid pellets but i crush it a bit before so it's smaller.

My fish get one of the following each day of the week: defrosted mysis shrimp, defrosted bloodworms, defrosted mosquito larvae, live white worms, live blackworms, and Hikari Gold betta pellets twice per week. In the summer when the daphnia bloom, they get snacks of daphnia. When my lfs has them and when I happen to drop in before they are all gone, I get them live brine shrimp (also more a snack item to give them something to chase). Very infrequently, they get small amounts of cooked plain wild salmon or chicken. At one time I was giving them fruit flies but them things gross me out way too much (I think it's the maggots) so I quit. They've gotten chopped up live (if you an still call them that) red wiggler worms. Once in awhile, they are fasted. They never get freeze dried since I know of too many people who's fish have gotten constipated. They don't even recognize flakes as a food item.
Mine is an oddball. Mine only seems to like Hikari Tropical Micro Pellets.

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