Feeding Water Flea (daphnia) Advice Needed Please

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angel face

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Apr 11, 2006
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My male dwarf gourmai has not been himself for a couple of days.

Seems to just want to be in one place in corner of tank occassionally swimming across tank but them back into his corner again and just resting. Noticed that he seems to have poo trailing from his bottom.

Breathing normal and looks normal cant see anything else wrong with him just seems to want to be by himself.

Been to LFS for advice. They say he could be constipated and have given me some live waterflea to help.

They are in plastic bag with a fluid just says contents 180 ml H20, Zooplankton.

LFS says to drain out liquid through the net - should I also rinse in tapwater too before I put them in the tank as cant remember whether he said to do this or not.

Am going to feed them tomorrow as have had feed today already

Would be grateful for advice on what others do with these.


When I had daphnia I simply poured the contents of a bag into a mason jar as I didn't need to use them all at once. When I needed to I would pour a bit through a super fine net (a regular one won't do, holes are too big) then loose them again in a cup of the tank water that I had previously collected and use a turkey baster to squirt them into the water near the fish. The turkey baster was new, rinsed with hot water and never washed with soap. I keep one on hand specifically for my fish as they have a plethora of uses. This probably isn't the only method and may not even be the best one but it's what I've used, hope it helps. :)

Thanks for that - that's great.

Is it best not to use the whole lot as LFS told me to put them all in - had thought there may be too much for them!! I hadnt though about a turkey baster that's a great idea.

I have:

6 neon tetras
5 guppies
2 Corys
2 Dwarf Gourmai's

PS went to petworld this afternoon and they had some female dwarf gourmai's brought him a female and now he seems much happier no longer sitting in one place looking miserable.

Personally I purchased a syringe, about a 10ml, then got three inches of heatshrink tubing, shrunk on end onto the end of the syringe and left the rest of the tube unshrunk (5/16" heatshrink). It has so many uses, sucking crap from the bottom of the breeding net, feeding BBS, Bloodworm and of course Daphnia. And as always that little bit of fish poo that is stuck behind that big rock, lol.


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