Feeding Veg To My Pleco


Fish Herder
Jan 13, 2008
Reaction score
Manchester, England
My golden spot pleco just loooves his veg. So far he has demolished cucumber, carrot, lettuce and green pepper. I love watching him eat veg, and he just sucks away for hours on end!
What I want to know is, how often should I give him veg? I would give it to him every day becuase he is so fun to watch, but I want to do whatever is best for his diet. He also eats pleco pellets - how many do other people feed per day? I have been feeding him 2 a day, but the other fish like them too and will nibble away on them.
I would fed him small amount once a day (vary the diet. includ bloodworm and other meaty product as well as veg)
I do courgette and pleco wafers a couple of times a week and bloodworm and brine shrimp a couple of times a week including prawn

I seem to have no problems, maybe this isn;t enough?
In my opinion it is perfectly acceptable to leave vegetables in your tank all the time as long as you follow a few guidelines.

1.) Don't let the vegetables stay in for too long as they will rot and foul your water.
2.) Watch that the vegetables don't break apart and clog your filter intakes.
3.) Choose proper vegetables.
4.) Monitor the water quality and waste levels in the tank as feeding vegetables tends to increase the waste amount produced by the fish.

I have a number of plecos and other fish that enjoy zucchini (I think that's what you chaps call cougette) and I basically make it available 24/7 for grazing, which is essentially how plecos eat anyway. I add wafers to supplement that at night and they get what the manage to get from the rest of the food I feed the tank.

My $.02


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