Feeding Treats For Goldfish?


New Member
Jun 12, 2007
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Hi All,

Another question for the experts....

Have 4 young lionhead goldfish.....should i feed them a variety of things apart from dried flakes?

I was thinking deskinned peas and blanched lettuce? Is this recommended and if so, how often should they get treats like this? Is there anything else they should get in their diet? If i give them treats, will they start refusing flakes?

Advice apreciated as always...

Feeding them veg on a regular basis is good, you can fed them veg like pea's and lettuce as often as you like as long as you do not neglect their other dietry needs, veg is good for fancy goldfish in particular as they are prone to constipation, veg helps ensure the goldfish keeps a good healthy digestive system.
Frozen or live bloodworms, krill, artemecia and daphinia etc also all make healthy alternatives to fish flakes for goldfish and will be readily accepted by them (you should be able to get such foods at your local fish store) :good: .

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