New Member
I got myself an inti-bity baby ornate bichir. He's only about 1-1.5 inches big. I'm having a bit of trouble with getting him to eat. Right now he's alone in a five gallon. I've been trying small pieces of frozen mysis shrimp. I've seen him eat it a bit before, but for the most part I just find uneaten pieces. I've got a lot of different options of frozen food on hand but I don't know what would be best for him. I feel he may be too small for pellets as well. I do have experience with bichirs and have a growing one at about 7 inches that I have no issues with eating. I just want to make sure the little guy is getting the nutrition he needs.
Ignore the "dirtiness" of the tank. Doing a water change and there was a lot of algae I scrubbed up. Just put a much lighter light on the tank so hopefully that will make him more comfortable and less algae.
Ignore the "dirtiness" of the tank. Doing a water change and there was a lot of algae I scrubbed up. Just put a much lighter light on the tank so hopefully that will make him more comfortable and less algae.
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