Feeding times

I feed 3 times a day...frozen brine shrimp in the morning, tetra colour bits and marine green 40 on the afternoon and frozen blood worms at night...Its usually for my young Discus and the rest of my fish gets the left overs and I haven't run into water problems...maybe that's because i do 30% water change every otherday...

I feed most of my tanks evey other day. I just bought young discus today and I will be feeding them daily, perhaps twice daily.

And miss Cheesy you might wanna feed your discus more than 2x a day....most breeders would advice feeding up to 3-6 times a day in growing out young Discus...and lots of water changes.....
I feed once a day. Though I may start feeding the mollie tank every other day.

I'm told that loaches like several small meals so I try to make sure they get food when I feed.

I feed flakes and some mysis shrimp. at dark I'll sometimes drop an algae disc in the tank with the pleco after the oscar has slowed down for the evening. and in the 5G with the 2 otto's I drop half an algae disc in every other night.
I feed mine once a day, switching between flakes and bloodworms and giving the cories shrimp pellets. I just think it's hilarious that on the back of most food it days to feed them 2-3 times a day. :dunno:
G_Sharky said:
I feed most of my tanks evey other day. I just bought young discus today and I will be feeding them daily, perhaps twice daily.

And miss Cheesy you might wanna feed your discus more than 2x a day....most breeders would advice feeding up to 3-6 times a day in growing out young Discus...and lots of water changes.....
Cheers for the advice, the breeder I got them off told me about ho often he feeds and water changes.

He said he fed the smallest of his (a couple of cm, if that) 6 times per day but the size I got was 3 times per day as well as having the temp really high to make them eat more and grow faster. I reckon I will feed twice if possible. I am going to get an automatuic feeder to make it easier.
It depends what fish you have I suppose. I feed my small tank twice a day and my larger one with my Discus 3 times a day. I was of the understanding that Discus need quite a lot of food when growing this is one of the reasons they are called ''messy'' fish, although I don't think they are. I've seen a picture of a Discus that was underfed when young and it looked nothing like it should do.

I just go by my water parametres, you'll know if your overfeeding when your ammonia goes sky high.
Angels actually should be fed four times a day though small amounts. [/quote]
Thank you muchly teelie. Ya learn something new every day. The fun part now will be to feed the angels more while giving the rainbows less. But I was a girl scout, so Ill figure something out.
Did you not listen to Sharky, Cheese specialist?

An under fed discus will lose it's colour and just not grow into the beautiful adult fish it should.

I keep thinking I overfeed, and maybe I'll cut it down when all of my fish are fully grown, but for now they get fed 3 times a day and they eat the lot.

If your paranoid about over feeding the try and get your discus to feed from your hands. They will do it when settled it only took mine 3-4 days. This way they shouldn't miss ass much.

But of course the more you feed the more water changes you have to do.

I do a once weekly 25% and it works for me.

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