Feeding Time...


Fish Gatherer
Dec 25, 2006
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I was just wondering what you guys all feed your little corydora's! Is it flake food, for your fish originally, or pellets or wafers live foods, anything. Post what you feed in hopes of giving anyone else here some other ideas too!! :nod:

:fish: :fish:
King British Catfish Pellets. Mine seem okay with it, although takes them ages but they just pick at it, my betta likes it in too.
tetra tabimin or tetra prima in the morning, and bloodworms,brine shrimp, daphina or glass worms in the evening. i feed loads as there as to be enough for all my cories, kuhliis, shrimps and my platies that pick up the food off the floor.
Aside from what sinks from my other fishes flakes, etc

Hikari Sinking Wafers. The ones for catfish, not the algae wafers. They get one every night and go nuts over it, all climbing over each other trying to get at it. I have to laugh when they get it wedged under an ornament and are still trying to get at it. Am always rescuing it out for them...
I think most of the Corys if not all LOVE worms. I've been feeding them walterworms, grindel worms and white worms occationaly. I picked up some freeze dried tubifex worms at the auction and tried and see how they like. And I must say they were pretty excited.
i use blood worm pellets but im not sure whether they are right for corys but they love them so im happy
Today I got them some tetra brand shrimp pellets.They sink and when they hit bottom they just explode in to a shrimpy puff after 30 seconds.They tend to intercept them before they sink all the way though.They love them long time!

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