Feeding time!

I had two green severums. Impossible fish to keep with anything else. Went in with Piranahs. Happily co-existed with them for months. Then one of them picked on a piranah that was having a bad day...bad idea..
We called him "Bite Mark" afterwards. A friend has them now, in two separate tanks.
Cichlid Master,
those are fantastic fish you've got there - makes me very envious, particularly that blue Mozambique fish. I want one!

Tell me, how big do they grow? I expect you're going to tell me you nicknamed it "Moby". Anyone fancy posting some pics of small fish?
Just for you AA,

Lamprologus ocellatus  "Gold"

And yet another...be carefull what you ask for AA...you might just get it :D  :D  :D

Lamprologus meleagris  AKA  "pearly ocellatus"

:D Lovely specimens Larry. I feed roughly similar to cichlidmaster for fry up to adult but have never used artemia, baby or adult. I use micro, grindal and whiteworms, powdered flake, granules, live & frozen bloodworm, garden worms and any other "beasties" in season. I believe a wide and varied diet makes the best of your fish. 8) Mac.

P.S. all adult fish have a fast day about once a week.
Aulonocara sp. "chitande type mozambique" attains an adult size of 4-4.5" for males and 3-3.5" for the females.

There are several Aulonocara sp. that attain larger sizes than this...Aulonocara sp. rostratum is one of these.


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