Feeding Time pics Oddball Style

you'll make me blush!! :*)

I reakon a asian arowana would look great in that tank seeing as your silvers got the 8ft'er.
Sir Minion

Its an African Lung Fish and is only half full size at the moment. Very cheap to pick up, this 25" was only £80
i couldnt picture that lungfish swimming. I could see ti slithering aroun dthough
That Lungfish is about the uliest fish ever but its definently one of my favorite fish on this site! You have some awesome tanks and fish
you have some really cool odd balls there dude, with that lung fish does it come right out of the ship or do you have to put food next it to for it to eat? also is it agressive towards the other tank mates?
paul_v_biker said:
you'll make me blush!! :*)

I reakon a asian arowana would look great in that tank seeing as your silvers got the 8ft'er.
Anyone who would risk a Asian arowana in the same tank as a African lung fish either needs their head testing or has more money than sense :hyper: African lung fish have one of the most powerfull bites in the fish world and large specimins can break a mans arm so snapping another fish in half poses no problems.

Nice fish and pictures Tech.
CFC said:
African lung fish have one of the most powerfull bites in the fish world and large specimins can break a mans arm so snapping another fish in half poses no problems.
Holy crap! I didnt relise they were so mean/insane i thought they were just big goofy looking fish
CFC said:
paul_v_biker said:
you'll make me blush!! :*)

I reakon a asian arowana would look great in that tank seeing as your silvers got the 8ft'er.
Anyone who would risk a Asian arowana in the same tank as a African lung fish either needs their head testing or has more money than sense :hyper: African lung fish have one of the most powerfull bites in the fish world and large specimins can break a mans arm so snapping another fish in half poses no problems.
I said it would look good.....not practical :D

Any chance of pics of your other fish?
Thanks MWM, the lungfish isnt the most beautiful but its my favourite too along with my snakehead. It is a very nice fish.

It will come out the ship for food but wont venture too far, its very lazy, seriously this fish wouldnt move at all if it didnt need to come up for air!!!! lol

Paul I will try and get some more pics tonight if I get a chance so check back later for another thread.


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