Feeding them cucumber

balancing = blanching!

It's not a fish term, it's a cookery term where you add something briefly to boiling water to soften it rather than cook it.

Thanks for the help with this, I'm currently watching my Bristlenose happlity tuck in to his lump of cucumber!

Althought the screwcumber is on the way, the way that i found that works for me, is to leave a long strip of skin attached to the lump of cucumber, which can easily be anchored under a rock.
easiest, cheapest way is to get plant weights, the little rubber band like holders that weigh down plants, i went to my lfs and asked about them, they don't sell them they reached in thier plant tanks and gave me several for free, then just clip em on and let the cuc sink to the bottom, they also make the cuc stand on end lol so its like a serving tray

I peel the skin off of mine and i dont like blanching or nuking them either, i just cut a slice and let it sink, my plec and clown loaches love it
Interestingly enough - my fish almost always eat the skin first.....
Cucumber is 80% water and really doesnt provide much in the way of nutrition for plecs and other veggie eating fish. try putting in come courgette (forgive spelling). The pleck will love it and it has some good stuff in there instead of mainly water.

Hope this helps ya.

Sprouts are good too, and half a sprout is heavy enough to sink without being weighted down. Easy and economical to keep a small packet of sprouts in the freezer and fish seem to think they taste nice.

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