Feeding Red Clawed Crabs


New Member
May 1, 2007
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Hi everyone,

My name is Lee, Ive recently set up a species red clawed crab tank - i have kept fish in the past but after a rather unfortunate leak i decided to go for something a lil more interesting.. After doing a *lot* of reading (including the other threats on this forum) i know that crabs need clean water, good + varied feeding and eat pretty much anything within reason. But i was wondering if it is ok to feed the crabs on the slate pertruding the water line to reduce the water polluting so fast. I have two crabs and seem to nip each other every known n again. Whether this is due to one of the only having one claw and slightly smaller or as someone said on another post due to not keeping them happy enough through lack of food.

Wow that was lengthy.. couple of last things.. I cant seem to find anywhere that says i can feed them frozen daphnia.. i dont want to waste it and pollute to water in the tank!

Oh and nowhere seems to list how long the molting process takes.

Lastly dont suppose anyone can think of any names for the two crabs.. Unfortunately 'Cuff' & 'Link are the best my mates could come up with.

Thanks for your time,

Lee :good:

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