Feeding Question


New Member
Aug 14, 2006
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weve got
1 bala shark
1 red tail
1 albino red tail
4 neons
4 glolights
6 guppies
1 coloured widow
im alternating between flaked food and bloodworms and just wanting to know if this is ok or any other feeding tips
That sounds fine, just make sure everyone is getting some and that you feed long enough without overfeeding!
That sounds fine, just make sure everyone is getting some and that you feed long enough without overfeeding!
the tetras and guppies seem to be taking more than any one else. can you suggest any better food for the sharks
hey 'andy&chrissy', welcome to the forum!

You can feed your fish all sorts of things, including veg [cucumber, lettuce, peas], chopped earth worms, brine shrimp, frozen blocks [of which there are many variaties - my fish only really go for the bloodworm though].

Bala sharks prefer to be in groups - and need atleast 75 gallons to have enough room for their immense size [13" - adult] Bala Sharks, how large is your tank?

Does your 'albino' redtail look like this? If so, it is an albino rainbow shark.

Try out different feeding patterns with your fish - as like us, they should eat plenty of varying foods to keep them in tip-top condition.

That sounds fine, just make sure everyone is getting some and that you feed long enough without overfeeding!
the tetras and guppies seem to be taking more than any one else. can you suggest any better food for the sharks

Try and give the guppys more veg in their diet as thy are omnivores and too much protein or dried foods in their diets can give them constipation, try and feed them foods like frozen daphinia and TeraPro vegetable flakes :good: .
Sharks shouldn't be kept together (unless they are bala sharks, which need to be kept in groups) in general as they are very agressive or territorial fish, its only a matter of time before your red tailed black sharks turns on the others- although its diet consists mostly of veg, its a very territorial fish, you should try feeding it algae wafers and catfish pelets or cucumber slices.

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