Feeding Question.


Fish Crazy
Mar 21, 2006
Reaction score
Betta Paradise, TN
Ok, so...we feed Sebastian 2 times a day. In the morning he gets 3-5 pellets, and in the evening he gets 3-5 pellets. Is this too much or too little for him? I don't want to overfeed him, but I dont want to underfeed him either...so...too much too little? Exact? :huh:
bettas can go 2 weeks w/o even eating (especially if new to a place or food). i tried to feed them as the package said "2-4 pellets, 2-3 times a day". well after a week or 2 i found out that my fish were getting extremely overweight. this was using about 3 pellets twice daily. i cut them back to 2-4 pellets once a day and they are slimming down now.

i hope i helped

bettas can go 2 weeks w/o even eating (especially if new to a place or food). i tried to feed them as the package said "2-4 pellets, 2-3 times a day". well after a week or 2 i found out that my fish were getting extremely overweight. this was using about 3 pellets twice daily. i cut them back to 2-4 pellets once a day and they are slimming down now.

i hope i helped

Yep! You helped. My mom said she would rather feed him everyday :nod: Which I hate to fast him, but if I forgot to feed him at least he wouldn't die! :rolleyes: back on topic...So...2-4 pellets once a day? He seems awful hungry though. I'll try to adjust though :). Thanks for the help.
Yep! You helped. My mom said she would rather feed him everyday :nod: Which I hate to fast him, but if I forgot to feed him at least he wouldn't die! :rolleyes: back on topic...So...2-4 pellets once a day? He seems awful hungry though. I'll try to adjust though :). Thanks for the help.

These guys are ALWAYS trying to get more food.......They seem to be hungry but when you consider that one of those pellets is about the size of their little stomachs then........ You have to ignore that conning for food that they do as eating too much on a protracted basis can make them very sick. One of mine looks so sad sometimes when I won't give him more so I have to be strong about the whole thing and walk away. It's not easy as he's so darned cute when he does this but I'm doing a real favor in the longrun.
I feed one pellet in teh evening and a few bloodworms throughout the day. I hope I'm not under feeding them. :S
Leto, your not underfeeding them... each diet has to compensate for each betta. some bettas get the chance to flair at otes throughout the day and get excersise, others don't. some will eat certain foods while others won't. i have female bettas in a tank all to themselves (w/ some companions) and they will eat ANYTHING. its hard to tell if they are getting fat as they are ALWAYS eggy. they always seem hungry too.

you could feed a betta all day and they will still want more. they're greedy little buggers. :lol:

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