Feeding Otos And Plecos


May 29, 2006
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Atlanta, GA
so, I have 3 otos in a 37G tank, and 2 plecos in a 55G tank. I try to feed them the sinking algae wafers a few times a week. The problem is that as soon as they hit the bottom of the tank, the other fish attack it until it's gone. The other fish being a combination of gouramis, swordtails and mollies.

From what I've read, it really seems like I should be supplementing their diets. The plecos don't seem to be any worse for it - they've at least doubled in size since I got them - probably about 5" each now. I am worried about the oto's though.

Sould I just not worry about that?
when i had otos i gave them those sinkign shrimp pellets or something and they were okay, i never actually saw them eating at it, but the other fish didn't attack it either, i'm sure your oto is getting something to some extent - i also use to put parts of cucumbers in the tank (attached to a rock and let it sink) though i dont' know if they acutally ate much of that - my snail got most of it i believe.
I just break up my sinking wafers into like 4 pieces(they are usually pretty big) and drop them into different parts of the tanks. The quicker fish can't be in all four spots at the same time(well they could actually, but fish aren't that organized to monopolize all 4 spots).
Feed them after the lights have been off for an hour.. Plecos are nocturnal, so they will be awake when the lighs are off, while your other fish should be sleeping.

That's how I feed my plec.

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