Feeding New Corys Sinking Shrimp Pellets

I added 3 shrimp pellets to the tank just before bed time, and this morning there is no trace of them. So, either they completely disintegrated into nothing, or they were completely cleaned up by the cories. :dunno: I choose to believe that it was completely eaten.
BTW, the white puffy stuff on my mopani is much diminished today as compared to the way it looked last night. Do corydoras have a history of eating that? I've heard of shrimp and plecos eating, but what about corys? I've seen them sitting on the driftwood and even eating stuff off it, but not in the areas with the puffy stuff. :blink:
i've never seen my corys eat anything that looks like a fungus :/ I fed mine 3 blocks of frozen bloodworm today, they demolished it in under a minute, greedy things :eek:
It was there and now its gone. :dunno:
I have a cory that is crazy... This one seems to be a loner, and is constantly by itself. Well, now it has found itself a new home... If you look at my sig picture, you will see the large filter sponge on the left hand side, suspended above the substrate. This cory likes to sit on top of that sponge and just veg (actually going into that zen-like catatonic state that cories are so famous for). Another one has been checking the area out since then, and was found sitting with the first on an occasion, but hasn't made it a permanent home. This cory seems to really enjoy that spot. It doesn't seem to be picking things off the sponge, just sleeping there. :lol: These cories are so strange. I love it! :hyper:

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