Feeding Microworm To Fry


Dec 17, 2009
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Hi, ive got my microworm culture going but just wondered how i feed them the worms? do i just scrape a few off the sides?
Hi Ethan040 :)

Right. The only thing you need to watch out for is getting any of the oatmeal in the tank. I use small rubber spatulas to get them off the sides but you could juse just about anything that works for you.
Should i wash them before putting them in then? or just be extra careful?

Hi Ethan040 :)

No, they don't have to be washed. They are very tiny and will look like bits of dust when you put them in the fry tank.

Did I show you a picture of my cultures? If not, click on the link in my signature to see my fishroom. The cultures are in the last photo of the first post, behind a fry tank. You will be able to see just how they go up the side of the container. Whatever you scrape off above the level of the oatmeal will be pure microworms.
I made this video a while back now on feeding microworms to fry..

Ah, i can see now the white stuff going up the side :good: my house is starting to look like yours now lol i had one tank two months ago now i have four which will soon be five now my bronze have spawned again.

Thanks alot for the help :good:
i use a damp bit of tissue rolled up like a pen and just wipe them up from the tub then wave the tissue in the tank to release them. they can easily be overfed as you dont know exactly how many you are getting so be carefull, although with daily water changes most uneaten ones will be cleaned up when you clean the sand. i think they also live for a short period in the water so dont start decomposing immediately and in cooler water that corys like this will also help:good:
Hi Ethan040 :)

Just start out with a little bit and increase it as the fry grow. They do live for a while in the water which is good because they are not as quick to spoil as powdered food. You'll find that the leftovers tend to collect in a pile on the bottom and can easily be netted out or removed during water changes.

Remember to give your sand a little stir from time to time too.
Thanks, ive fed them microworms this morning i haven't seen any look like there eating or chasing food yet though.

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