Feeding Fry


Fish Crazy
Feb 6, 2003
Reaction score
Leamington Spa, UK
About 4 days ago I became the proud owner of some kribensis fry and yesterday my guppy also had some babies. They are together in a 30litre fry tank and seem to be doing very well. But I'm off on holiday next Saturday for a week and I'm a bit worried about how to feed them when I'm away.
I have never had any problems leaving adult fish for a week without food but wouldn't a week be too long for the fry?
I haven't seen any holiday food in my lf that will be suitable for them as they are soo small.
Anyone know what I should do?
Unless my other learned colleagues comes up with some other ideas, what I have done in the past with my guppy frys when I've been away for 2 weeks is- I bought some liquifry for them and added some into their tank just before going away. Most importantly I made sure that there was a lot of planted material such as cabomba and other soft leaved plants. Once the food is consumed, and don't pour half the bottle in as this will only pollute the water. The fry can nibble on the planted matter. They survived for me on the ocassions that I've been away. Other than that you can always go to the expense of buying an auto feeder for them. This is either a mechanically controlled timer that opens and closes "dishes" of food into the tank at preset times or nowadays electronically controlled. You put the amount of food into the dishes, so when the preset time come around, it releases into your tank the precise amount of food. I have one for my main tank if I'm away for any length of time. It saves relying on neighbours.
That is your 3rd choice, neighbours. :D
U can get a plant fertiliser doser which releases the fertiliser (liquid) into the water, so I guess u could use that to dose liquifry instead... :thumbs:

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