Feeding Frozen Bloodworm : How Much?


Jul 19, 2005
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Kent, UK
Hi all,

Gave my new betta some frozen (defrosted) bloodworm tonight for dinner - only gave him 3 worms (sat there with a pair of tweezers wiggling them in front of him...I looked a bit mad, but he went crazy for them, so I don't mind).

Question is - how many worms would you feed each time? I don't want to overdo it, but not sure if 3 worms was actually enough or not (I was planning on feeding them to him twice a week) - in between he gets Hikari Betta food.

Kim :)
I fed mine like 10 maby its was too much maybe 3-4 a week he loved them also water fleas and brine shrimp (sea monkeys)
I used to feed mine about 5-6 every 3 days, I also feed mine betta gold and betta flakes inbetween. The blood worms will probably last forever or near it.
My bloodworms come in like frozen cubes and there must be like 100's of them in a cube, how do you guys separate three from all the other ones and keep them all fresh?
I use the frozen blood worms, brine and mysis shrimp. I put the cube in a plastic cup with water and when it defrosts, I take 4 to 5 out with a plastic spoon. I have other tanks so haveing extra is not an issue, but I have let food defrost and if not out too long, I put it back in the freezer and reused the next day. I did not do it often but had no problems that I am aware of. Maybe someone who knows more then I can assist you better. Good Luck
That's great - thanks.

I've also got 2 other tanks, so will give the betta his share first.

Have also got some betta flakes as well as the betta gold, but will also try some brineshrimp etc too...think I've now nearly got half a drawer in the freezer dedicated to frozen fish food :D

My bloodworms come in like frozen cubes and there must be like 100's of them in a cube, how do you guys separate three from all the other ones and keep them all fresh?

Do you have any other tanks/fish that will eat the leftovers?
i only have one 20 gallon tank that is currently stocked with 4 rummy nose tetras 3 zebra danios 1 pleco 3 (male i believe although i have been swapping to try to get a female but no luck)kribs so i cannot feed the entire cube to them
I put the entire double cube in once a week and all the fish stab at it like birds round a nut feeder, then when it sinks the 2 common plecs dive on top of it

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