Feeding Fish

i have had a bunch of those in my pond. the thing that really annoys me is when they live and mature into flying little....insects. :crazy:
I cultivate a lot of my own live foods in the summer and black mosquito larvea form the largest part of it though i also get white mosquito larvae (glass worms) and bloodworms as well as breeding my own daphnia (water fleas). I cultivate these foods by leaving containers of dechlorinated water under the plants in the garden and waiting until they are full of dead insects fallen leaves and mosquito larvae, it usually takes around a week to get a good sized ammount of larvae in a container. Do not clean the containers out as the larvea get their food from the dead insects and sludge in the bottom of the container.

The daphnia i breed in a old 5g tank, i place the tank full of dechlorinated water somewhere where it will recieve sun in the morning and shade in the afternoon and add a lettuce leaf to the water, once the leaf has started to rot down i buy some live daphnia from the lfs and add them to the tank to let nature take its course, the daphnia breed like mad so i can net out around half of them to use as food once a week, they get all their food from the rotting lettuce leaf so i just add a new leaf once a week.

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