Feeding Dwarf Frogs

Oh yeah, and will my fish eat the frogs? They're all adult sized tetras, nothing too big. I'm just worried about them getting nipped at
I've been putting in shrimp pellets for mine. The problem has become them eating it before the tetras do.... They're rather slow in comparison!!!

Not sure that they will eat the brine shrimp. I think any of the sinking pellets suitable for corys would be ok though...
brine shrimp is fine.
daphina, bloodworm, glass worm are also good. pellets arent so good IMO. too big and "square" hard to swallow.
I feed frozen blood worm every other day. N no I dont think your Tetras will bother the frogs.
frogs are usally fine with fish, fish often leave them alone, soemtimes a corious fish will "peck" at the frog, but the frog will move away.
I never had a prob with my frogs in with fish, they never bothered them as the frogs always stayed at the bottom of the tank.

My frog will eat anything I throw in there. He really likes to come to the surface to eat run of the mill fish flakes, but will eat shimp pellets, and he loves small earthworms and tiny pieces of beefheart.

Good luck!

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