Feeding Cories


Jul 22, 2004
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How do I make sure my pandas are getting fed enough?

I used to have some in a 12g tank and it was easy enough to make sure that they were getting fed then, the tank was small enough to keep track of everyone.
I've got a 65g now, with asian rummy nose, guppies and cardinals who gobble all the food before it hits the sand, and I don't want to over feed because that will pollute the water

I'm putting shrimp pellets in, but I've only ever seen one panda near the pellets (out of 6) so I don't know if the others have found them.
What else can I do?

Anxious Mother
Well I know my cories hate those shrimp pellets. Instead I use TetraMin Tropical Tablets for Bottom Feeders. Most fish will peck on it but the cories will crowd around. :good:
Feeding after lights out will also help. My cories love the Hikari Algea waffers. I know that cories are carnivorous
but the first ingrediant is fish meal. My other fish peck at the waffers but the cories get the vast majority of the waffer, I'm sure the TetraMin tablets are much the same. (Got to get some of those!)

Hope this helps.

Mine also like any of the sinking wafers, they will demolish one over night!! But, like previously mentioned try putting it in at lights out. You may also think about sinking a cucumber/potatoe/zuccinni or some other veggie for them. :good:
Ive bought the Hikari sinking pellets and algae wafers, they seem to all be gone by the morning lol

So im assuming they like them :)

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