feeding albino cory fry


Fish Crazy
Dec 22, 2004
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I just wanted to get an idea because whenever my corys decide to spawn I will obviously need to know what to feed the fry. My question is can you put one of those sinking wafer discs in the fry tank and can they feed on that?
Hi bball4life :)

Cory fry are very tiny and need to be raised in a tank of their own. I feed my fry Liquifry for the first few days and then start them on microworms, which are very nutritious. Once they have grown for a few weeks to a month they can begin eating flake food too.

If your corys are mature and you are ready to help them spawn, I'll be happy to help you get a spawning tank set up. Then you can just remove the adults and let the eggs hatch and the fry grow right where they are. :D
ok great thanks for the advice :D . And thanx for the offer with helping getting the set up going, I will for sure need help. I also heard that you can use one of those glass scrapers with the razor to remove the eggs since the eggs get so hard. Do the cories get really active before they spawn because I have three that just swim up and down non stop, but they have never down this that much before. i am thinking of getting 3 more albino cories to add would this be ok?

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