Feeding Advice


Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
Hertfordshire, UK
In preparation for when i get some fish and cleaner crew, I'd like some advice on which foods and feeding please. (the fish won't be added all at the same time ;) )

I plan to get:-

Cleaner Crew
2 Percula Clowns
1 watchman goby + pistol shrimp
1 pygmy angel
1 6 or 8 line wrasse
1 firefish

I have some freeze dried tubifex worms and freeze dried brine shrimp left over from my tropical tank. I also plan to get some marine flaked food.

What else should I buy for the fish and indeed cleaner crew (if necessary) above?

When feeding should I feed a bit of everything daily or rotate the foods on a daily basis?

Thanks as always ;)
I like to just put a mix in every day instead of alternating. Alternating is a pain in the butt IMO ;)

When choosing foods, first ask what the fish are eating at the store (and of course ask to see them fed) and use that as part of your food mix.
I like to just put a mix in every day instead of alternating. Alternating is a pain in the butt IMO ;)

When choosing foods, first ask what the fish are eating at the store (and of course ask to see them fed) and use that as part of your food mix.

Why do you ask to see them fed?
Because chances are if they arnt feeding there, their not going to feed at your tank, so your buying a fish who might starve. A fish should have a nice rounded belly, and should not have a shrunken belly. If they are feeding at the LFS, your going to buy a fish with a much higher chance of survival.

They starve some fish to export (so they dont polute their bag water), so youve already got hungry fish. The shipping is a stressful event, so fishes amune systems can already be down. If its going to take foods, its going to be alot better to get them back into shape.

LFS's arnt the best environments, so if you can prove the fish is eating there, it might be easier to get it onto frozen/flake at home, even if you have to feed it live for a while, atleast it eats something.

And, you can save yourself money and heartbreak. You dont have to ask about the most common species, especially if they have been tank raised, but finicky feeders like Scooter Blennies and Lions, its only beneficial to ask. :nod:

Agreed with Ski, I use random assortments of varied food daily. Buy Flake, Nori (Japaese Seaweed, see your local food store/suprmarket), Pellets, Forzen foods like Krill Mix, Brineshrimp, Bloodworm, and Mysis. :D

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