Feeding Advice Wanted


Fish Fanatic
Nov 11, 2009
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i have a small cuckoo catfish in my tank, its a large tank 180 gallon bow front.
it shares its tank with the following:

x1 common pleco (6 inches)
x1 royal pleco (3 inches)
x1 kissing gourami (4 inches)
x1 golden gourami (4 inches)
x1 aqautic frog
x1 small angel fish
x1 rainbow shark
x3 small tiger barbs
x3 swordtails
x3 gold barbs
x1 black skirt tetra (rescued) (temporary)

in the tank they have 2 large peices of bog wood, a broken plant pot, and the tank is fairly well planted.
with a few other hiding places.

this tank has been running for about 8 months now, has regular 30% WC every week.
my water stats are ok.
nitrate 0.00
nitrate 0.00
ammonia 0.00
took me ages to get good water conditions :D but i finally have it

my problem is, is that ive brought a cuckoo catfish about a month or 2 ago, and ive never seen him eat.

all the other fish eat fine, no problems.
all but this catfish, ive tried everything
here's a list of what ive tried:

frozen bloodworm
frozen daphnia
frozen brine shrimp
jmc catfish pellets
mixed catfish pellets
tetra prime (tiny orange pellets)
tetra plecowafers
live foods : tadpoles, live bloodworm, live daphnia, earth worms

....what else can i try?
im all out of idea's!!!!
ive never seen this catfish eat a thing....

i feed my fish just b4 tunring out the lights, and by the morning the food has been eaten.
so to check the catfish was getting his fare share, ive used my tank divider and i now have him alone and he has half the tank to himself.
and im still feeding the fish the same way as usual. only in the morning...his food is still there....

he had a small plump belly when he was bought...so he was eating at the shop...but he's belly has gone now and it looks as if he's starting to get pretty thin :(
he cost me a fair bit so dont want him to die!

any help is very much appreciated
I have a group of 5 adults in a 75, along with various cichlids and other catfish. They all get fed NLS pellets as the staple diet supplemented with spirulina flake and frozen bloodworms occaisonally. S. multipunctatus are social fish, really prefer to be kept in groups, and actually live in large schools in the wild. I'd recommend getting at least 2 more, creating somewhere suitable for them all to hide, and toss in more sinking pellets after the lights are off. Synodontis will eat just about anything IME, though they should have some veggie flakes occaisonally.

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