Feeder guppies and Cichlids

Fishes anatomy and our anatomy doesn't differ that greatly. When you give them a guppy, think of it as if it's a steak for you. You could, but probably wouldn't want to live on just steak, infact it will be healthier for you to add vegetables and other stuff into your diet. Same thing goes for fish. Go ahead and give them a hunk of meat evey once in a while, but don't make it their only food. Infact I don't think you want to make anything their ONLY food. What's everyone elses opinion on supplying a range of foods for your fish?
well i think the only reason for feeding marine fresh and fresh marine might be fresh deseases don't live in marine aquariums and vice versus but as i'm not a bioligist i could always counter with the fact that such primitve organisms could easily adapt faster thean the fish and the fish would not have a system capable of fighting foriegn viruses and such?
thats proberbly the point i was trying to make i just didn't do very well at it.
I seem to recall now that the number one reson to feed them to each other is the desease aspect of it.
But ya know i do hear a lot of people saying they feed small guppies to large cichlids so i'm sure it cant be fatal it's just not a practise i use with my cichlids.
A family friend had a large Oscar that they occasionally fed feeder goldfish to with no problems, and my brother had two or three piranhas that he fed feeder goldfish, guppies and fish he caught in the creek with no problems. I raise guppies for my pictus but I feed him carn. pellets too, and sometimes he just gets wierd and eat the algea tablets I put in for the corys. It all depends on your fish and what they would naturally eat.

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