Feathertail Halfmoon


Fish Fanatic
Mar 1, 2010
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hi, would a feathertail halfmoon bluey-black and red finned betta be classed as rare??
also what would happen if it was bred with a crowntail or a veiltail? the parents are both rosetails. mum is red and blue and dad is red. plus would 20pound be a good price?
thanks englishbettas
correct me if i wrong but i dont think you can get a FT HM it has to be one or the other i think or a SD.
do you have a pic.
the second bit dont make scence you want to breed it with a CT or VT that both have RT parents so they would be RT not CTs and VTs.
i really would breed it with VTsthere worth alot less than the others and would just ruin the finnage. if you breed a hm with a ct you can after a few selective spawns get some HalfSuns but that will take quite a while to get perfect. £20 is a little expensive if there just red and blue which are standard colours about £8-£12 would be best unless you come out with some amazing colours and patterns.
correct me if i wrong but i dont think you can get a FT HM it has to be one or the other i think or a SD.
do you have a pic.
i have a HMFT. they are unususal and difficult to get a hold of. you need a good breeder to find them.
agreed that breeding with other finage types (vt or ct) would lost the finage in the F1 but with good line breeding you could keep the trait.
dont know about price as mine was a free rescue and i was pleasantly suprised when his finage grew in (he was a wee babe when i got him-supposed to be a sd i think but can remember now).
I think you might be refering to Pippoodles FTHM which is listed on Ebay.

I would strongly advise you not to breed a fish that stunning with a lower grade VT and the like.
I think you might be refering to Pippoodles FTHM which is listed on Ebay.

I would strongly advise you not to breed a fish that stunning with a lower grade VT and the like.
what would happen if i was to breed it with a VT? because i only really have veiltails and crowntails and i wanted this one to make a difference and get something out of the ordiary!! but i am not sure i i will get him yet if you wontbe able to breed with crowntails or veiltails.
thnkas englishbettas
a VT and HM you would just get wierd shaped finnage that wouldnt be as good as a hm. and CT VT you get combattail where its a vt with slightly more finnage and small spikes on the ends of there fins.
Agree with Kizno, theres no point. You would get a bunch of odd looking tails. And all the genetics would get messed up.

Try looking for a decent HM pair, you will have more chance of passing on fry then, aswell as lovely looking bettas! :)

Edit: Yes, a CT wich is bred with a VT will give you a combtail, which is not really desired either.
If you bred a FTHM with a VT you would get ALL VTs. This is why VTs are not reconized by the IBC because they cancel out all tail types and you can't produce anything but VTs from them. Ask the breeder for a sibling sister.

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