featherlike attachments


Fish Crazy
Aug 13, 2003
Reaction score
the mitten state
today while i was feeding my fry i notcied these lone feather looking stringy thins attaached to the sides. they arent worms eaither.. wat are they?
sorryno pics. doubt that u would see them if i did. the lil feathery thinks are about an inch-2 inches long. like i said they are not worms im sure. they are white i color too...anyboy else have this problem? any body? lol
I don't ever have those, nor have I seen any. I wouldn't think they are good, or supposed to be there? Do they all have them, and when do you think they showed up? How old are the fry?
Could they be Hydra?

I had them in my fry tank and lost a few little ones to it.

I scrubbed the tank clean and then added them back and didn't lose another one after that :)

Do an image search on google and see if its these
well to describe its kinda like if a fish laid eggs on the side of the tank and the eggcases stuck on the side of the tank. except it was an inch long egg casing...

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