Featherfin Syno

Are bristlenose pleco and a common pleco ok with featherfin catfish?
Mine have only been temporarily living together, but they've been okay.

But that's because adequate hiding is alloted, and the pleco will be gone. He's not a permanate residence.

I would not suggust it, as featherfin cats are reported to be quite malicious towards other catfish.
Surely they can't?

Never underestimate a fish. I did that with alfred, and he had a darn good time with Draguun.
(Senegal ate an african butterfly thicker than in in the front and half its length :crazy: )

The cat, when older, will be highly agressive towards other cats acordding to most websites. I wouldn't risk it long term, especially in adulthood.
In my experience S.Eupterus can be semi-aggressive towards each other and maybe other syno species but they are unlikely to bother a plec, even smaller species like Bristlenose. My 2 (adults) are in my Mbuna tank with a BN and they don't show the slightest bit of interest in each other.
Most mollies will breed better with salt in the water. Since there is salt in the water the Syno will do fine as well (most of the rift lakes have salts plus they market the salt). Syno's can be territorial as can the plecs and as long as they aren't fighting over the same "spot" (since it's the only one to fight over :lol: ) they'll do fine. Syno may get a bit of scrapes but they heal nice and it's kind a hard for the syno to mark the armor on them plecs.

The young brown Euptrus will lighten as they get older (brown is a good camo :good: ).
I've read on different places about the featherfin syno. Most says should keep just one of it, some say they have two and they play all day long. Would love to keep two. Any comments? Thx.
i keep my euro with 7 petricola,1 clown plec,2bn plecs and he seems fine with them all
ive got 2 featherfins they play with eachother or hide and they dont live in the same part of the tank as the pleco, they dont cross paths tbh, but ive got a tank thats higher than it is wide the pleco lives at the top and the featherfins at the bottom, although they arent very old at the mo
my featherfin (about 4" now) seems ok with my sailfin plecs. he doesn't bother the smaller one but he recently fussed about the larger one (5") and it looked like he was grooming him! they share the same space but featherfin does have his own area which is sometimes occupied by my rts.

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