a "fish hater"
Chestnut Moray here, i just got back from my cousins house, i was using his computer. Stupidly, when i returned to my now 100% tufa-free tank, i noticed my feather duster, the animal i have had the longest, was in virtually no current with a 1/2 sized crown. Some of the ends of the tentacles were flat, as is they were bitten off. Also, his crown was crumpled into a ball-like shaped structure. It looked awful. It makes me mad too because he was doing so well, and before i left, i got 11 more pounds of LR and moved the duster to a place where there was a deceivingly large current. I am the only one in my house who has fishkeeping as a hobby, so the rest of my family cannot take care of accidents. I put him high up in the tank where the filters output is and he appears to be getting better. I plan to feed him well tonight. Can you guys suggest something else i could do to aid him in his recovery?