feamale betta in cmmunity tank


Fish Addict
May 11, 2004
Reaction score
new jersey
i have 4 honey gouramis and 3 platies in a ten gallon tank

the hony gouramis are the kind of fish that go about their buisness and don't bother anything. the platies just harass each other but i was wondering if i could put a female betta in with them. yea bettas gouramis= no but i don't think they would bother each other.

what do you all think?
my gouramis are seriously very peaceful, jhas abnyone ever tried female bettas with gouramis?
just because theyre peaceful doesnt mean they wont hurt the betta. Its because of body shape, and nothings going to change that.
wut o you mean by body shape +the female betta would be aboutan inch bigger then all of the gouramis i have
they have the same body shape. They attack fish like that. The betta would be killed. ok, just dont put her in there.
oookkk but is this part of the whole gouramis don't mesh w/ other anabatonid or however you spell it?
yes. they can go w/other gouramis, but nothing else like them.
Honey gourami are small and peaceful. And females bettas are more peaceful then males. I think it could work.

You should try it out and if it doesn't work then get a seperate container for the female.

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