Favourite Books

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Fish Herder
Feb 13, 2009
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Manchester UK
My personal fave is the Southern Vampire Mysteries series =] much better than the TV show!

the guardians of time trilogy, the harry potter series =p

also a good fantasy book is Graceling

and battle royale, the manga is also pretty good

I do love my Fantasy/adventure Romances

so if anyone can recommend anything that anyone else should read, go ahead =]

Im always looking for good things to read
Twilight saga.
Very good books though Edward sparkles which is kind of G/a/y.
I say he's not a vampire he's a sparkly fairy who drinks animals blood.

Missy x.
definately the lord of the rings but also as a kid I loved the enchanted wood series, just bought themfor my kids and I;m going to read them myself!!
Religious Literacy what every american should know but doesn't. it talks about the basics of all relgions and seeing how were a nation of faith, we should take the time to get to know each other and what we beleive. i studied religion as well as histroy in college, because i beleive the two interconnect with how ppl reacted to one another. you need to understand one in order to under stand the people who beleived in it.
I love Terry Pratchett.
Something about his writing style draws me in.

Another author who once I start Reading I have to finish, is Stephen King. Although I can't say I'm particularly interested in his subject matter.

My fave King book, and the one I think is actually the scariest, is Geralds Game. Although typically, he had to try and inject some supernatural stuff which for me, weakened it, because those parts of the story could have been caused by the way the human brain can break down in times of extreme stress.

I don't want to over explain because if you haven't read it, I don't want to ruin it, but hopefully that's enough for those who have to understand

Another funny book, sex drugs and sausage rolls. By Robert rankin.
I really enjoy the Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini, also the demonata series by darren shan and the cherub series by robert muchamore
i always tend to read biographical works about either musicians or sports people fantastic federer is 1 of my favourites also facing tyson and the life and works of tupac shakur
Lord of the Rings trilogy and of course, the Silmarillion.

Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness. Shakespeare's histories. There are many more, but those stand out today.

Jim Butchers Dresden Files series. Awesome.

And I know what you mean about Geralds Game, did you read Dolores Claiborne? They're kinda linked. I didn't like certain parts of Game, but I totally loved Dolores, although there is the supernatural part I think it was better done in this story.
Favorite Books : Animal Farm, 1984, The rebel, Slaughterhouse 5, Thus spoke zarathustra, junky, naked lunch, the stranger, Anything Hesse (Steppenwolf, Siddhartha...) anything kafka :] ah, the list goes on...

some of these books changed how I perceived the universe and my place in it. Definitely recommend 'em.
Jim Butchers Dresden Files series. Awesome.

And I know what you mean about Geralds Game, did you read Dolores Claiborne? They're kinda linked. I didn't like certain parts of Game, but I totally loved Dolores, although there is the supernatural part I think it was better done in this story.
No, not read that, may have to look it up.
Reverting to children's books (hooray!), the Bartimaeus Trilogy is just made of epic win. Also His Dark Materials, although I do think you have to reread them far too many times to properly know what's happening.

The Watch series by Sergei Lukyanenko, lots of jollying about in Moscow with all sorts of forces of Light and Dark. Pro Tip- if you've seen/heard of the films.... Er. Consider them completely unrelated, and just a massive coincidence that the character names are the same. Well, very similar. There's some differences in translation.

Discworld, as always. I don't think there's a specific one I like best.
For discworld I rather like thud. The way it tackles issues of racism in a humourous way is really good

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