Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
Rummynose tetras !
Ermm those are firehead tetras
how about roberti tetra Moenkhausia robertsi or a nice school of BATs Hyphessobrycon anisitsi
Rummynose tetras !
Ermm those are firehead tetras![]()
Ermm those are firehead tetras![]()
Common names vary. They are Hemigrammus bleheri.
Very nice congos rixy.![]()
Hemigrammus bleheri is the firehead tetra;
"true" rummynoses are Hemigrammus rhodostomus
and then there are false rummynoses Petitella georgiae
like mostall here what you think is a rummynose is actually a firehead![]()