Favorite Oddball

i would like to point out there is no fresh water moray ( they will do ok but will die prematurely there actually brackish) and i second the spiney eel comment im also fond of the palmbag puffer
a fire eel will be fine in a 100g
a bare minimum of 180g. 100g would only do for awhile.
How big do they get. I thought they hit 2ft long. And they aren't that active.
you're looking at say, 20" or so. whether they're active or not really depend on the eel. i do know that juveniles are much much much more active than adults, which tend to stay low most of the time. then again i've seen adult eels that practically couldnt stop moving
Got to be a group of Candy stripe gobies, they have so much attitude for ones so small and they look adorable when they are peeping out of a snail shell! I only have 2 of these little guys currently but as soon as I see some more for sale you can bet I will snap them up! If anyone knows of anywhere local that has them let me know as I have had these chaps for over a year now and haven't seen them for sale before or since :angry:

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