Favorite Movies

I Love the film bridesmaids, It has only come out quite recently but I cannot stop watching it, every time I cry laughing :lol: :lol:
I think that film is good too, and has a lot of funny scenes, If you have it on dvd then you will have seen the scene at the very end only on the dvd.
I Love the film bridesmaids, It has only come out quite recently but I cannot stop watching it, every time I cry laughing :lol: :lol:
I think that film is good too, and has a lot of funny scenes, If you have it on dvd then you will have seen the scene at the very end only on the dvd.

I have the DVD, the very end scene had me in stitches laughing :hey:
Irma la Douce
Once upon a time in America
The Godfather all
Alien 1
Quest for fire
Logans run
American graffiti
Apocalypse now
Bonnie and Clyde
The sixth sence
Schindlers list
Saving private Ryan
These three are my favorite movies forever.
1. Tekken.
2. Undisputed 2.
3. Undisputed 3.
Blazing Saddles

In The Name Of Our Father

Trading Places

Schindlers List

Restless Natives

...just to mention a few.
Blazing saddles, wow a blast from the past! Funny!
I think my votes would have to go to what are referred to as the Brat Pack movies...
The Breakfast Club
16 Candles
St Elmo's Fire
Pretty in Pink....etc...etc...
But do have a soft spot for Patrick Swayze (so Dirty Dancing...Roadhouse), Nicholas Cage (Conair... Gone in 60 seconds) or even Johnny Depp (Pirates etc!!!)
Favorite kiddo movies would have to be E.T or Neverending Story

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