Favorite 10 Gal. Fish

How about a dwarf pike cichlid (Crenicichla species) and 5 corydoras?
I think some of your puffer question would be best answered in the oddball section and I would not think they would puff up for you every 30mins as that very stressful on the fish. They have tones are personality and are among my favorite fish. They have a few requirements though again if you want to know more about DP ask in the proper forum ;)
If i had a 10g i would put in a school of 6-10 neons and 1 male / 2 female white skirt tetras (undyed of course)
A small group of African Dwarf Froggies! Such amusing little creatures to watch!

Or stick a rock in there, poking out of the water and get 2 or 3 fire newts!

Amphibs rock. B)

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