Favorit Fishy

karin: if it's a catfish, check PlanetCatfish. Maybe post a pic in the catfish forum for CFC
I found it on planet catfish its called a walking catfish, and a few days ago it got its tail bitten off by the gorami right down to the bone.
hes only 2 or 3 inches but he was 4, do you know if there tails grow back? he is still eating and thriving no infection good water conditions... they grow a foot long though not realy a problem
We are way off the thread topic, but I know nothing of the specific fish. As I said I would check with CFC, Inchworm, and Wilder. I would surely quarantine him if possible and treat with Pima/MelaFix at the least. He must be stressed.

I would also check with Sylvia about tank mates for your specific Gourami. He and the catfish do not belong together, clearly. If he is that territorial he could be a danger to others, I think.

Poor little catfish. -_- :sad: I would be interested to know how he fairs. :look:
me too I'm worried, good news is the little buggers tough as nails he's eating fine and swming around as if nothing happend I did a huge water change today and I have almost perfect water 0. 0. 3 nitrate, ive never had any problem with white spot even though ive puchesed a couple fish diseased with it, i just stuck them into the tank without quarintieing or nothing and nothing happend he was cured in 4 days, with no medication.
what ever i'm doing its realy working well all my fish are happy and so far ive never lost one, ive had failed experements and ive given a few to john

this gold gourami also bit my angelfish 4 times his fins keep healing realy fast.

he is tecknicaly a 3 spot albino, he shows no sighns of being territoral or agresive but if a fish swims right in front of him sometimes he will give them a bite, and this little catfish is not scared of anything, I don't think it would be wise to put him in my 20 gallon seeing as there are no fish in it right now and its cycleing...i could use a fry net, good news is my mom just bought a new camra phone so I might be able to get a few pics of it soon its realy ugly and weird looking thats why I bought it (it sorta looks like a tadpole with wiskers)
should I make a thread about this? every one will probably say the same thing over and over again and someone will ocasionaly say something confuseing that will throw me in a panic it happens almost everytime i make a post asking for advise, so far my gut instinct is works fine, and if that fails then... oh johhny oh. (hes a friend of mine)
If you want you can PM a moderator or member for advice, and they will answer you. You can tell them your reason for the pm, if you like. As a matter of fact, since we have hijacked your thread :lol: we should probably be doing that now. It is derailing your thread. :) But it is your thread. :rolleyes:

You can PM all four of those folks if you want.

Run an extra filter in the tank in use, move media from the cycled tank to the filter of the cycling tank; these are two ways to jumpstart a new tank. Most hobbiests keep an extra filter or more running in a cycled tank at all times for emergencies.
I have a 70 gallon hang on filter with a bio weel, a 30 gallon hang on filter and a big o powerfullter with a sponge attachment, and a now lots and lots of plants, I moved the 30 gallon filter over to the 20 , this is called cloneing but It didn't work so as soon as I saw my nitrites go up I took my paradise fish out of there, its going threw a mini cycle.

If you want you can PM a moderator or member for advice, and they will answer you. You can tell them your reason for the pm, if you like. As a matter of fact, since we have hijacked your thread :lol: we should probably be doing that now. It is derailing your thread. :) But it is your thread. :rolleyes:

You can PM all four of those folks if you want.

Run an extra filter in the tank in use, move media from the cycled tank to the filter of the cycling tank; these are two ways to jumpstart a new tank. Most hobbiests keep an extra filter or more running in a cycled tank at all times for emergencies.

lol I don't get it, so I coppy the 3 posts from this thread and start a new thread?
dont wory about it monami, I do it all the time lol
so whats your favorit fish peopls?

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