Favorit Fishy


Fish Crazy
Nov 4, 2006
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what is your favorit fish? and your favorit bottom feeder?

favorit fish: Moonlight gourami
favorit bottom feeder: elephant nose! there so cute and smart :good:

I've owned about 200 different types of fish (fresh/salt) in my years of fishkeeping but my favorite are the Bettas. They are smart and cute because they can turn their head while keeping their body straight. Mine even tilts his head a little. :lol:

I don't like bottom feeders.
Favourite fish:

Favourite type of fish: Catfish
Favourite bottom feeder: There are to many to mention but my Rendahls catfish is gourgeous...
Favourite looking fish: Featherfin Syno
Favourite fish: Way to hard to decide...
Hmm tricky one this one-i love barbs so pentazona barbs would be my favourite with kuhli loaches for my best bottom feeder-well comical fish :lol:
favourite fish: probably my ticos, now they have coloured up; but it changes from day to day, really
favourite bottom-feeder: hmm... I think it's a draw between the good old bristlenose and khuulie loaches
Favourite fish:

Favourite type of fish: Catfish
Favourite bottom feeder: There are to many to mention but my Rendahls catfish is gourgeous...
Favourite looking fish: Featherfin Syno
Favourite fish: Way to hard to decide...

I realy like catfish too :good: my favorit one right now is the upside down catfish because there realy peacefull and full of personality :nod: but i just love catfish in genneral glass catfish eel tail catfish corrys pleckos lol i love them all :lol:
My favorite fish... hmmm... I really like bala sharks, and neons. I like panda cories, too. Oh, this is too tough to decide!
Favorite types of tetras: Neon, Black Phantom, Rummy Nose
Favorite type of bottom feeder: Panda Corydora, Clown Loaches, and Kuhlie Loaches
Favorite other fish: Bala Sharks, Angelfish, sunfish... that's all I can think of at the moment... oh and ADFs. :D
My favorite fish... hmmm... I really like bala sharks, and neons. I like panda cories, too. Oh, this is too tough to decide!
Favorite types of tetras: Neon, Black Phantom, Rummy Nose
Favorite type of bottom feeder: Panda Corydora, Clown Loaches, and Kuhlie Loaches
Favorite other fish: Bala Sharks, Angelfish, sunfish... that's all I can think of at the moment... oh and ADFs. :D

ohh i know what you mean lol its hard to pic a favorit :lol:

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