Father & Son

I have never herd how a betta could care so much for its young. Your very lucky wuv to have such a caring father :flowers:
:wub: :wub: :wub: They are so cute, Kelly. What a sweet daddy :wub: . I'm glad seeing the kids perked him up, I hate it when they get depressed!
shrks1fan said:
wuvmybetta said:
I could just pinch him in two  :wub:
Ack, bad mental image there, Lol.

Those are awesome pictures and fishes Kelly, and that DT is :wub: Dad's going to be like, "ok mom, get me another female, lets make more of those gorgeous kids!". Lol

hee hee, for some reason I always associate preciousness with biting,squeezing or pinching :dunno: :rofl: And my apologies to Daddy-O,but I have more than enough red plakats to deal with. I highly doubt he'll ever see a spawning tank again :blink: But ya never know :whistle: That DT really is something else though :wub: I love him.

Well, it seems to have worked. My male is just as happy as can be this morning,he built a nest last night and everything. It got me to thinking about how little we know of betta behaviour in the wild. It made me wonder how long the children stay with the father and it also made me wonder if,after they swim off, maybe they return for a friendly spar with Dad now and then.

Thanks for looking at them with me,you guys. :wub:

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