Fatheads/bullheads Extremely Skiddish.


New Member
Mar 23, 2010
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I have some Pimephales Vigilax in my 30 gallon, they are the only inhabitants in the tank, they have been in the tank roughly 2 1/2 days now and whenever I open the lid / walk in the room / or when the timer turns my tank lights on, they dart every which way. I think one of the main problems is that these are basically bait fish, they sell them in the masses at bait shops when trout season opens, and they were held inside a large black tub with a cover on it at the shop I purchased them from, I left the lights out for the first day they were in the tank, then resumed my normal lighting schedule (8 hours a day). Its clear they probably haven't seen much daylight before, but I figured its now or never, whether they get used to it or not.

What's the longest you've ever seen your fish take to get used to a tank?, I.E. not stressed out and swimming against the glass etc. Its strange because the other day during feeding, I had one male flare up in color and exhibit spawning behavior, then he stopped, all of them are very healthy. I'm just worried its taking them too long to acclimate, and they might stress themselves to death.
Never mind my thread, they seem to have calmed down today, they are now swimming around the middle strata and acting like normal fish, they are still slightly skiddish, but they are making progress, I'll post pics of when they start spawning, which wont be long :hey:

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