I agree, If you have an algae problem fix the root cause, Things like overfeeding, incorrect lighting, poor maintenance, over use of fertilizers and overstocking are likely causes, It can take weeks to sort out the issue, throwing chemicals in your tank for any reason should be the last option and it wont solve anything, in fact it could cause other problems.Far_King said:
might want to clean out that algae unless you have the algae remover liquid
Personally I'd never go this route. If algae is a problem then the root cause of it should be identified and remedied rather than adding chemicals.
Suddenly killing off a large algae bloom in a tank can cause more issues than leaving the algae.
You do not add critters to a tank to " Fix " a problem.
I wouldn't clean out the algea, not with a pleco living in there. Plecos like to eat the algea.
BN Plecos are actually omnivores and cant survive on algae, I have several BN's and to keep them healthy they eat better than I do.
I actually feed this to my BN's, Everyday they get pellets and a different bit of fruit or veg, Mine go nuts over banana. I also have 5 Clown Loaches in the same tank and they eat the same as my BN's.
I feed mine
Omega One Veggie Rounds
Hikari Algae Wafers
Kens veggie sticks.
Blood worm
Brine shrimp
Every now and again a tiny bit of OX heart
New Life Spectrum Thera Plus pellets.
This is a list of vegetables and fruit that are popular with most plecs.
Peas (deshelled)
Sweet Potato
Green Beans
Melon/Melon rind
Aubergine/Egg plant
Broad Beans
Butternut Squash+ other squash
Capsicum/Bell pepper(not the hot ones)
Kale/Collard Greens
Kiwi Fruit
Lima Beans
Mushroom (common plecs and goldspots love mushroom)let it float,they will reach it.
With 2 fully grown breeding BN's 2 baby BN's and 5 young clown loaches whos appetites for fresh veg makes the BN's eating look like a supermodel on a diet I go thru a lot of food, My green grocer loves me, And all the fruit n veg is organic grown.
I am absolutely in love with Clown Loaches, After 2 weeks they come to the top of the tank at feeding time and you should hear the clicking noises they make when I approach the tank, They make a click noise when exited,
Be warned you cant keep Clown Loaches in anything under 100 gallon tank these puppies grow big.
With 5 Clown Loaches all I can say is Anybody got any snails they wanna give me