Fat Fish


New Member
Jul 2, 2004
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I fed my fish bloodworm yesterday, they all looked very fat about a hour after, so I thought I had probably over fed them, by the evening they had all slimed back down but 1 platy was very quiet and started to hide by its :sick: self behind the filter, this morning he was the same very still and hiding and again this afternoon.

Is this due to over feeding??
Livebearers should not be fed meaty foods often because it's high in protein and it will leave them constipated. Keep livebearers on a more lighter diet with flakes and more veggie based foods they can digest easier. You can give them blood worms as treats but not often, maybe once every 2 weeks. :)
On another note, i do find my other fish get minor bellies when i feed them blood worms but it does go down because they can digest it easier.
:angry: :crazy: :grr: :flex: *~@:?&% LFS, Once again they have given me wrong info, I asked them if Platties, Guppies, Neons and Shirmps like blood worm.

They said yes they do it will really make their colours come out as it has lots of protein in it.

I give them blood worm once a week and flakes the rest of the time.

Thanks for your help, hopefully my platty is just feeling slightly sorry for herself.
Picture yourself after that huge Thanksgiving meal and you'll know exactly how she feels. Unlike you however, she can't loosen her belt!!

Your fish will be absolutely fine if you don't feed for a few days. When trying to cycle this last tank, I only fed once every four days to keep the nitrite levels down- not a problem, Fish was active and happy.

Ok..so he was a little TOO active! *lol*
If I were you, I'd go to a different lfs, if they aren't giving you the right information, don't go there, find another store where the staff are better educated, you never know, you might even get better fish and variety.

If you can't find another fish store complain to the one that you've got, and oh yes, most of the time, unless they're really good, I wouldn't go to a pet/fish shop chain, because these are often the worst.
What bloodworm were you feeding - if it was the frozen cubes then a whole cube would have been too much for the number of fish you have. If it was the frozen cubes try feeding half a cube in future, it may prevent them from over eating.

With platies and guppies I would suggest live brine shrimp over blood worm. If they don't eat them all in one go then the shrimp are happy swimming around until they are eaten - no leftovers to decay in the gravel.

Also get some spirulina algae flakes - they are great for keeping livebearers "regular"
Take this advice from person who las lost fish due to dropsy from overfeeding.....DO NOT overfeed fish bloodworms.....yes, once every 2 weeks is sufficient for them to get bloodworms (unlike me, who fed her fish bloodworms every second day and lost 3 fish to dropsy due to overfeeding)...it is far better to see your fish constantly begging for food than to see them when they have dropsy symptoms and they are so swollen they can't even open their mouths

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