Fast Fish

Colonel Mustard

Fish Crazy
Jan 13, 2007
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I have just bought a 34 gallon tank. I am planning to have 4-6 guppies, a pleco 30 and I would like to have some fast, active fish.

if anyone has any ideas i would be grateful :good:
Danios. The tank is too small for giant danios, but there are several species other than the common leopard or zebras. Or if you like livebearers, there are some less common ones that fit this description: black-bellied limias and porthole livebearers are both fast swimmers. You'll need to go for one of the smaller plecs, maybe an ancistrus or a bulldog plec.
i'm surprised no mentions neon tetras yet! :D they're very active, Zebra danios are nice but they may nip your guppies... what else hmmm Cardinal tetras, black neons (can you tell I like tetras yet?) Green tiger barbs are always spectacular! and (when kept in a group of atleast 6) they usually divert from nipping at other fishys fins and go after eachother :D
Zebras are fast for sure, they all zip around together in the same direction. Also how about some colourful platys? They're fun to watch as they chase each other around all over the tank and they are so easy to keep (unlike neons, which are so pretty but more delicate)
I'm with fate2006, tetras are always good, I have 12 black neons in my 29g and I can watch them all day.
YA!!! TETRAS ALL THE WAY :lol: Even though none will mix with my arowan and clown knives :p Death in that tank :D life in my others :D
Neons, active? Are you jesting? Mine are in a 6ft tank, and never move lol. The only things more sedentary than my neons, are my glowlights! They all (glowlights and neons) inhabit about 2ft of tank space, and that's heavily planted.

My emperors are more active, as are my scissortails. And yep, platies too - but they're also active in the *ahem* bedroom department, so unless you want babies, probably best to stick to females ;)

Just out of interest, what is a "pleco 30"?
my neons always schooled and swam, even when I had them in a 46gallon tank! :lol: but I guess those were just mine :p Mabye some rosy barbs?
clown loach and frontosa. lol my some time during water change my clown got scare and it could swim fast as hell. so are my frontosa.
Tiger barbs, mine are the most playful fish iv ever seen! none of them nip any other fish (i have 4 barbs) would advise them to anyone!

Next tank i get im thinking of getting a tank with just different barbs in, like tiger barbs, green tiger, albino, such a nice fish

and plus if i ever put my hand in the tank they are the first to check me out!!
Tiger barbs, mine are the most playful fish iv ever seen! none of them nip any other fish (i have 4 barbs) would advise them to anyone!

Next tank i get im thinking of getting a tank with just different barbs in, like tiger barbs, green tiger, albino, such a nice fish

and plus if i ever put my hand in the tank they are the first to check me out!!

I have 3 Black Phantoms and they are pretty nippy, Also depending on what you want a silver shark is always good to watch. :good:

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